Minggu, 25 April 2010


What's the purpose of memorizing?

Okay, i think, some people say
"buat ngasah otak"

allright, i can accept. sometimes it's useful too.

but, actually the fun fact, do we need to memorize summaries?
physics summaries? maths? economics?

workers need to open the book, mate.
accountants need to open the book, look for the summaries when they work. physicians and mathematicians too...

get real... so what's the use of memorizing those things?

you can't judge someone is stupid because they can't memorize anything.
not only summaries, but all things.
even presidents, judges,etc they can't memorize ALL the law contents. Even those who made it, can't memorize it.
presidents sometimes needs text when they talk for a speech.
biologists, doctors, they sometimes need books too.

a pity, schools nowadays, expect their students to keep memorizing.
and worse, if your answer is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the book (even it's actually the same thing as the book mean), it's wrong. really a pity.

if only "ngasah otak", it's more useful to do open book tests,
because in open book tests, students were expected to THINK, not only RE-WRITE.
open book tests usually need to think more than memorizing tests right?
because in open book tests, the question is always about something we call "nalar", not "hapalan".

*actually, i'm really inspired from my dad's words yesterday, and i'm really agreed to his words : "hapalan itu sebenernya ga perlu, apalagi rumus2 matematika,fisika,dll. sekarang orang kerja aja perlu buka buku & bawa buku kemana - mana. gurunya aja belom tentu bisa hapal segitu banyak, lha kan kebangetan kalo muridnya disuruh ngapalin bahan segitu banyak?"*

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