Beberapa lagu aja deh.. wakkwa
ST12 - Cari Pacar Lagi
Cintaku cinta kepadamu
Tak besar seperti dulu
Kamu kok begitu menilai cintaku
Begitu rendah di mata mu
Sayangku sayang kepadamu
Tak indah seperti dulu
Maumu begini
Maumu begitu
Tak pernah engkau hargai aku
O..Ow I am sorry ku tak akan love you lagi
Kupeluk memeluk dirimu
Tak indah seperti dulu
Ku jadi selingkuh
Karna kau selingkuh
Biar sama - sama kita selingkuh
O..Ow I am sorry ku tak akan love you lagi
Reff : Biar kuputuskan saja
Ku tak mau hatiku terluka
Lebih baik kucukupkan saja
Ku tak mau batinku tersiksa
Janganlah slalu merasa
Wanita Bukan dirimu saja
Lebih baik kuputuskan saja
Cari pacar lagi
*Back to Reff
The Changcuters - I Love You Bibeh
Biar kata nenek sihir
Bagiku kau Britney Spears
O.. Ow... I love you bibeh
Biar kata mirip buaya
Bagiku kau Luna Maya
O..Ow... I love you bibeh
Aku cinta kepadamu
Sayang ini hanya untukmu... untukmu... untukmu!!
Biar kata kau musibah
Bagiku kau anugrah
O..Ow... I love you bibeh
Biar orang berkata apa
Bagiku kau segalanya
O..Ow... I love you bibeh
Aku cinta kepadamu
Sayang ini hanya untukmu... untukmu... untukmu!!
I love you bibeh... (4x)
Aku cinta kepadamu
Sayang ini hanya untukmu... untukmu... untukmu!!
Lostprophets - Last Train Home
One! Two! Three!
To every broken heart in here
Love was once a part, but now it's disappeared
She told me that it's all a part of the choices that your making
Even when you think you're right
You have to give to take
But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today
But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love
I wonder if you're listening
Picking up on the signals
Sent back from within
Sometimes it feels like I don't really know whats going on
Time and time again it seems like everything is wrong in here
But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today
But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love
Well we sing if we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing if it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason to ever fall in love
But we sing
If we're going no where
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing with out a reason to never fall in love
To never fall in love again
Relient K - Be My Escape
I’ve given up on giving up slowly, I’m blending in so
You won’t even know me apart from this whole world that shares my fate
This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption
because I know to live you must give your life away
And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.
I’m giving up on doing this alone now
Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how
He’s told me the way and I’m trying to get there
And this life sentence that I’m serving
I admit that I’m every bit deserving
But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair
Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I gotta get outta here
Cause I’m afraid that this complacency is something I can’t shake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.
I am a hostage to my own humanity
Self detained and forced to live in this mess I’ve made
And all I’m asking is for You to do what You can with me
But I can’t ask You to give what You already gave
Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while you hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I’ve gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I’ve gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging
You to be my escape.
I fought You for so long
I should have let You in
Oh how we regret those things we do
And all I was trying to do was save my own skin
But so were You
So were You
Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Sekolah Luar Negeri ?
Bingung nih...
Napa si banyak orang yg ngebet banget pengen skolah luar negeri?
Apa bedanya sih ama sekolah di Indo ?
Jarang bgt loh padahal, yg sekolah luar negeri, tapi juga kerja di luar negeri. Kebanyakan kerja balik di Indo.
Orang - orang Indo aje yg rada2 katro.... bgitu denger
"Anak gw sekolah Amrik lho"
"Duilehh... Gile sekolah di Amrik"
Di Indo dapet jabatan apa ?
Masih di bawah Bos yg sekolahnya cukup di Indo
Di Indo kerja apa ?
Blom tau, buka usaha ndiri aja blom tentu bisa. Musi kerja ama orang yg SEKOLAHNYA DI INDO DOANG COY!
Bosnya juga paling nanya : "Lulusan apa ?" kagak "Lulusan mana?"
Sekolah luar negeri enggak menjamin elo dapet jabatan bagus di Indo.
Gini lah yg bikin Indo gak maju - maju. Semua pengen sekolah luar negeri... Bukannya ngehargain pendidikan dalam negeri, eh malah sekolah ke luar negeri.
Bapak gw juga pernah bilang : "Ngapain sekolah jauh - jauh ke luar negeri ? Sekolah di Indo aja dah dapet kerjaan bagus, gak kalah sama orang luar negeri."
Yg kerja di luar negeri dapet jabatan apa ?
Soal gaji ?
Gaji sono emang mahal... Tapi aturannya ketat & biaya hidup kan juga mahal ? Apa bedanya? Ditambah di sono kalo mau kerja harus bener-bener kerja, kalo engga ga bakal digaji.
SDM Indo sbenernya gak kalah sama orang luar negeri macem Eropa / Amrik.
Rakyat aja yg kurang hargain pendidikan di Indo. CUMA MASALAH BEDA TEKNOLOGI DOANK... Ujungnya juga dapet apa sih ?
Ginilah kalo punya negara yg rakyatnya enggak hargain hasil jerih payah tanah aer tempat die lahir.
Napa si banyak orang yg ngebet banget pengen skolah luar negeri?
Apa bedanya sih ama sekolah di Indo ?
Jarang bgt loh padahal, yg sekolah luar negeri, tapi juga kerja di luar negeri. Kebanyakan kerja balik di Indo.
Orang - orang Indo aje yg rada2 katro.... bgitu denger
"Anak gw sekolah Amrik lho"
"Duilehh... Gile sekolah di Amrik"
Di Indo dapet jabatan apa ?
Masih di bawah Bos yg sekolahnya cukup di Indo
Di Indo kerja apa ?
Blom tau, buka usaha ndiri aja blom tentu bisa. Musi kerja ama orang yg SEKOLAHNYA DI INDO DOANG COY!
Bosnya juga paling nanya : "Lulusan apa ?" kagak "Lulusan mana?"
Sekolah luar negeri enggak menjamin elo dapet jabatan bagus di Indo.
Gini lah yg bikin Indo gak maju - maju. Semua pengen sekolah luar negeri... Bukannya ngehargain pendidikan dalam negeri, eh malah sekolah ke luar negeri.
Bapak gw juga pernah bilang : "Ngapain sekolah jauh - jauh ke luar negeri ? Sekolah di Indo aja dah dapet kerjaan bagus, gak kalah sama orang luar negeri."
Yg kerja di luar negeri dapet jabatan apa ?
Soal gaji ?
Gaji sono emang mahal... Tapi aturannya ketat & biaya hidup kan juga mahal ? Apa bedanya? Ditambah di sono kalo mau kerja harus bener-bener kerja, kalo engga ga bakal digaji.
SDM Indo sbenernya gak kalah sama orang luar negeri macem Eropa / Amrik.
Rakyat aja yg kurang hargain pendidikan di Indo. CUMA MASALAH BEDA TEKNOLOGI DOANK... Ujungnya juga dapet apa sih ?
Ginilah kalo punya negara yg rakyatnya enggak hargain hasil jerih payah tanah aer tempat die lahir.
NFS Most Wanted & Carbon
Tip n Trik neh buat yg baru main NFS Most Wanted n Carbon, khusus recommended carsnya loh.
Knp most wanted n carbon ? Krn 2 game ini nyambung ceritanya.
NFS Most Wanted :
Mobil Awal :
-Lexus IS300
-Fiat Punto
-VW Golf GTi
-Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Recommended = VW Golf GTi, why ? Statnya paling bagus dari semua mobil awal, tinggal upgrade dikit ud bisa lawan Sonny (Blacklist #15), mobilnya sama jg sih
Blacklist #15 :
Ho Seun (Sonny) - VW Golf GTi
Usahain lu dapet mobilnya, secara statnya lebih bagus, mendingan daripada elu musi buang duit lagi buat upgrade VW Golf GTi awal, stikernya juga bagus loh ^^.
Blacklist #14 :
Vince Killic (Taz) - Lexus IS300
Sebenernya mobilnya tuh jelek banget, SUMPE! Statnya lebih jelek dari Golfnya Sonny. Cuma kalo elu emang Blacklist Car Collector sejati, boleh kok didapetin :). Tapi ga dapt juga gpp, soalnya ga penting bgt lah.
Blacklist #13 :
Victor Vasquez (Vic) - Toyota Supra
Nah ini jg, usahain dapet mobilnya. Soalnya tinggal di upgrade dikit statnya ud bisa nyaingin RX-8nya Izzy (Blacklist#12). Statnya jg lebih bagus dari Golf
Blacklist #12 :
Isabel Diaz (Izzy) - Mazda RX-8
Bagus sih, cuma gw bilang, mobilnya agak lebih repot ngendaliinnya dibanding Supranya Vic. Stat handling sih oke, tapi di belokan kalo pake speedbreaker ngepotnya wadoh >.<. Tapi elo musi dapet, ntar buat lawan Big Lou(Blacklist #11) sama Baron(Blacklist #10)
Blacklist #11 :
Lou Park (Big Lou) - Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Asli, stikernya keren, cuma performancenya BAD. Mending tahan pake RX-8 buat lawan Baron (Blacklist #10). Dapetin sih boleh, stikernya keren si.
Blacklist #10 :
Karl Smit (Baron) - Porsche Cayman S
Ini udah pasti harus dapet mobilnya, soalnya boss berikutnya, Earl(Blacklist #9) itu susah bgt. Ga ada ini sengsara loe.
Blacklist #9 :
Eugene James (Earl) - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII
Handlingnya TOP TOP TOP dah..... 3 jempollll!!!! Top speed sama Accel emang kalah dikit ama Cayman, tapi Handlingnya ga usah diraguin deh, ngepotnya jarang. MUST HAVE!
Blacklist #8 :
Jade Barett (Jewels) - Ford Mustang GT
Ini sih ga perlu banget -__-... busuk amit.... handlingnya jelek kok.... tahan aj pake Lancer.
Blacklist #7 :
Kira Nakazato (Kaze) - Mercedes-Benz CLK500
Jelek banget.... Statnya parah... Kalah jauh sama Lancer... dah ga perlu dapet lg...
Blacklist #6 :
Hector Domingo (Ming) - Lamborghini Gallardo
MOST MOST MOST MOST MOST WANTED CAR!!!! MUST HAVEEE!!!! Top speed accel handlingnya ud top abis... ngalahin Lancer... gak ada abisnya dah ^^b. Gak dapet ini sengsara loe lawan Razor.
Blacklist #5 :
Wes Allen (Webster) - Chevrolet Corvette C6
Stikernya sih kerennn... tapi performance nya kurang bagus... kalah sama Gallardo nya Ming. Dah tahan aje pake Gallardo.
Blacklist #4 :
Joe Vega (JV) - Dodge Viper SRT10
Performance sih ga perlu diragukan... Yahud dah.. tapi masih kalah ama Gallardo jg. Tahan de pake Gallardo, kalo dapet ini, jadiin selingkuhan (kalo impound strike Gallardo da ampir penuh)
Blacklist #3 :
Ronald McCrea (Ronnie) - Aston Martin DB9
Performancenya jelek, mobilnya ngepotan... stikernya bikin jorok... kuning2 kek eek... kurang suka la gw... tp kalo dijadiin selingkuhan bole jg sih. GO GALLARDO!
Blacklist #2 :
Toru Sato (Bull) - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren
Performance sih kurang, apalagi stiker... cuma mobil dikasih warna item + window tint merah, ud jadi kok....haha. SELINGKUHAN MODE! STAY AT GALLARDO!
Blacklist #1 :
Clarence Callahan (Razor) - BMW M3 GTR
NAH INI DIE! AKHIRNYA! Lawan Razor pake Gallardo. Ga kerepotan lah lawan die, cuma pegel di pursuit akhir abis kalahin die.Pake BMW, Heat 6, ga kebayang gilenya kek apa. Seabis 4 menit nanti Mia ngasih SMS ke elo, ngasih tau jalan ke jembatan putus, lompat....dan.... SELAMAT!!!! CONGRATS!!!ANDA BERHASIL MENYELESAIKAN NEED FOR SPEED : MOST WANTED!!!
NB: Buat dapetin BMW nya Razor ga perlu pake marker, soalnya emang itu BMW punya elo aslinya.
Oke, let's go to NFS Carbon.
Jujur, gw kurang doyan ama gameplaynya carbon. Kayak game perang aja rebut2an daerah.
Di awal permainan, elo bakal disuguhi scene, ke 4 boss balapan buat nentuin yg terhebat. Kenji(RX-7),Angie(Charger R/T),Wolf(DB9),dan Unknown(Supra). Nanti, Kenji,Angie,Wolf ditangkep polisi waktu tengah - tengah balapan, yg lolos cuma Supra. Darius dateng(biasa lah si anak setan 1 ini), nyuap Cross buat bebasin Kenji,Angie,Wolf.
Yap, ini cuma bayangan masa lalunya sang karakter utama kita(ya elo ndiri lah sapa lagi), ketika berada di Canyon bawa M3 GTR(bawaan dari Most Wanted).
LO KUDU KABUR DARI CROSS NIH!!! Si Cross yg agak miring itu ngejar kita pake Corvette Z06 item, kita pake BMW M3 GTR. Ujungnya waktu tengah2 kita kabur, ada scene, dimana mobil kita kejatuhan tiang, dan kita "BUSTED" sama Cross. Trus gara2 ada cewenya Darius nih (Nikki) kita lolos.
Mobil awal:
Chevrolet Camaro SS --- Muscle, tier 1
Alfa Romeo Brera --- Exotic, tier 1
Mazda RX-8 --- Tuner, tier 1
Recommended : Mazda RX-8, handlingnya paling baek, stat laennya ga kalah jauh kok.
Awal permainan , lu bakal disuguhi tutorial(sambil Pursuit -___-) cara jalanin yg namanya CREW ABILITY, lo bakal ditemenin sama Nikki(Ford GT merah) sama Neville(Mazdaspeed3/Mazda3 MPS hitam). Neville bakal jadi Crew pertama loe. Neville punya ability Blocker, ngeblok jalan lawan di belakang kita.
Crews :
-Neville : Blocker
Tier 1 : Mazdaspeed3
Tier 2 : Renault Clio V6
Tier 3 : Nissan 350z
-Sal : Scout
Tier 1 : Mazda RX-8
Tier 2 : VW Golf R32
Tier 3 : Toyota Supra
-Colin : Drafter
Tier 1 : Alfa Romeo Brera
Tier 2 : Porsche Cayman S
Tier 3 : Porsche Carrera GT
-Yumi : Scout
Tier 1 : Mazda RX-8
Tier 2 : Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Tier 3 : Subaru Impreza WRX STi
-Samson : Blocker
Tier 1 : Chevrolet Camaro SS
Tier 2 : Dodge Charger R/T
Tier 3 : Plymouth Hemi Cuda
-Nikki : Drafter
Tier 1 : -
Tier 2 : -
Tier 3 : Ford GT
Nahh... Cara nguasain daerahnya gampang, misalnya di satu region ada 3 race, elo cuma mainin 2 race ud kerebut itu daerah.
Boss Car :
Kenji(Bushido) :
Mazda RX-7
Ini jelas elo perlu, handlingnya bagus, top speed accel jg ga kalah jauh. Cukup enak buat nahan sampe lawan Wolf.
Angie (21st Street) :
Dodge Charger R/T
Gak perlu banget... Ini mobil jelek banget dah.... Buat koleksi aj sih gpp...haha
Wolf :
Aston Martin DB9
Jelek... Kalah ama RX-7 Pro Package rata lho.
Nahhh...Begitu masuk area Darius... siap2 duit aja. Beli mobil bagus, upgrade performancenya.
Recommendednya sih, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX MR, tapi buat unlocknya, elo harus main canyon lawan Evo IX MR... yg aslinya itu Kenji yg ganti mobil. Jadii buat lawan canyon nya, ada baeknya lo pake Toyota Supra dulu. Hbs itu jual, ganti Evo IX MR.
Abis itu, usahain selesein Canyon yg lawan Lamborghini Murcielago, sebenernya itu Wolf ganti mobil. Ud selese, sekarang siap2 duit banyak buat beli. Upgrade, dan siap2 aja abis nguasain semua daerahnya, lawan Darius.
NB: Kalo canyon yg Dodge Challenger Concept ma ga perlu banget. Itu Angie, tapi emang ga perlu, abis udah ada Murcielago buat apa Challenger concept? Cuma buat 100%in career...haha.
Pertama... Sprint race lawan Kenji(Evo IX MR),Angie(Challenger Concept),Wolf(Murcielago)
Kedua... Sprint race lawan 3 boss itu lage!!! OH DAMN!
Ketiga... baru nih si Darius sialan keluar... Audi LeMans dikawal SLR McLaren. Circuit race, gw saranin JANGAN LEWATKAN 1 SHORTCUT PUN! Shortcut menjadi kunci penting buat menang lawan Darius. Belokan tajem, jangan lupa pake Speedbreaker.
Keempat... CANYON RACE lawan Darius!! Asli, ini bikin gw ngulang berkali - kali. Darius belok di canyon mulus2 aje cuma pencet 1x - 2x rem, kita ? 3x - 4x pencet rem baru bisa belok mulus. Berat bgt dah... Ati2 aja jgn ampe jatuh.
Seabis itu... SELAMAT!!! ANDA BERHASIL MENYELESAIKAN NEED FOR SPEED : CARBON. Darius Audi LeMans UNLOCKED...tapi Quick Race only... Gak bisa beli/pake di Career... T___T.
Cars List :
NFS Most Wanted :
*Unlockable & Buyable :
Lexus IS300
Fiat Punto
VW Golf GTi
Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Audi TT 3.2 Quattro
Audi A3 3.2 Quattro
Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro
Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Toyota Supra
Renault Clio V6
Mazda RX-8
Cadillac CTS
Ford Mustang
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Mercedes Benz SL 500
Pontiac GTO
Vauxhall Monaro VXR
Porsche Cayman S
Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Mazda RX-7
Mercedes Benz CLK500
Lotus Elise
Aston Martin DB9
Porsche 911 Carrera S
Dodge Viper SRT10
Lamborghini Gallardo
Porsche 911 Turbo S
Chevrolet Corvette C6
Lamborghini Murcielago
Ford GT
Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
Porsche Carrera GT
*Blacklist Bonus Cars
VW Golf GTi
Lexus IS300
Toyota Supra
Mazda RX-8
Mitsubishi Eclipse
Porsche Cayman S
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Ford Mustang GT
Mercedes Benz CLK500
Lamborghini Gallardo
Chevrolet Corvette C6
Dodge Viper SRT10
Aston Martin DB9
Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
Chevrolet Corvette C6R
Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG
Porsche 911 GT2
Carbon :
*Unlockable & Buyable :
Tier 1
1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2005 Chrysler 3000C SRT-8
Tier 2
1969 Dodge Charger R/T
2006 Dodge Charger SRT-8
2006 Ford Mustang GT
2005 Vauxhall Monaro VXR
Tier 3
2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (Street Version & Cross Version(Reward Card,Quick Race Only))
2008 Dodge Challenger Concept
2006 Dodge Viper SRT-10
1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda
Tier 1
2007 Mazda3 MPS / Mazdaspeed3
2003 Mazda RX-8
1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX ( Kayak punya Brian O'Connor di The Fast and The Furious pertama) (Quick Race Only)
Tier 2
1999 Mazda RX-7
2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
2005 Renault Clio V6
2006 Volkswagen Golf R32
Tier 3
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO IX MR
2006 Nissan 350Z
1999 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R
2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STI
1999 Toyota Supra
Tier 1
2006 Alfa Romeo Brera
2005 Mercedes-Benz CLK500
Tier 2
2004 Aston Martin DB9
2005 Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG
2006 Porsche Cayman S
Tier 3
2007 Audi R8/LeMans Quattro (Street Version & Darius Version) (Quick Race Only)
2003 BMW M3 GTR --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2005 Ford GT
2006 Lamborghini Gallardo
2004 Lamborghini Murcielago
2006 Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 (Black n Grey Version) --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2004 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren
2004 Porsche Carrera GT
Others :
Police Civic Cruiser --- Tuner Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Police Interceptor --- Tuner Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Police Rhino --- Muscle Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Cross Corvette Z06 --- Muscle Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Firetruck --- Muscle Tier 0 --- Reward Card
Dumptruck --- Muscle Tier 0 --- Reward Card
NB : Ini ga bisa dipake n dibeli di Career lho, cuma isa dipake Quick Race
Tip n Trik neh buat yg baru main NFS Most Wanted n Carbon, khusus recommended carsnya loh.
Knp most wanted n carbon ? Krn 2 game ini nyambung ceritanya.
NFS Most Wanted :
Mobil Awal :
-Lexus IS300
-Fiat Punto
-VW Golf GTi
-Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Recommended = VW Golf GTi, why ? Statnya paling bagus dari semua mobil awal, tinggal upgrade dikit ud bisa lawan Sonny (Blacklist #15), mobilnya sama jg sih
Blacklist #15 :
Ho Seun (Sonny) - VW Golf GTi
Usahain lu dapet mobilnya, secara statnya lebih bagus, mendingan daripada elu musi buang duit lagi buat upgrade VW Golf GTi awal, stikernya juga bagus loh ^^.
Blacklist #14 :
Vince Killic (Taz) - Lexus IS300
Sebenernya mobilnya tuh jelek banget, SUMPE! Statnya lebih jelek dari Golfnya Sonny. Cuma kalo elu emang Blacklist Car Collector sejati, boleh kok didapetin :). Tapi ga dapt juga gpp, soalnya ga penting bgt lah.
Blacklist #13 :
Victor Vasquez (Vic) - Toyota Supra
Nah ini jg, usahain dapet mobilnya. Soalnya tinggal di upgrade dikit statnya ud bisa nyaingin RX-8nya Izzy (Blacklist#12). Statnya jg lebih bagus dari Golf
Blacklist #12 :
Isabel Diaz (Izzy) - Mazda RX-8
Bagus sih, cuma gw bilang, mobilnya agak lebih repot ngendaliinnya dibanding Supranya Vic. Stat handling sih oke, tapi di belokan kalo pake speedbreaker ngepotnya wadoh >.<. Tapi elo musi dapet, ntar buat lawan Big Lou(Blacklist #11) sama Baron(Blacklist #10)
Blacklist #11 :
Lou Park (Big Lou) - Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Asli, stikernya keren, cuma performancenya BAD. Mending tahan pake RX-8 buat lawan Baron (Blacklist #10). Dapetin sih boleh, stikernya keren si.
Blacklist #10 :
Karl Smit (Baron) - Porsche Cayman S
Ini udah pasti harus dapet mobilnya, soalnya boss berikutnya, Earl(Blacklist #9) itu susah bgt. Ga ada ini sengsara loe.
Blacklist #9 :
Eugene James (Earl) - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII
Handlingnya TOP TOP TOP dah..... 3 jempollll!!!! Top speed sama Accel emang kalah dikit ama Cayman, tapi Handlingnya ga usah diraguin deh, ngepotnya jarang. MUST HAVE!
Blacklist #8 :
Jade Barett (Jewels) - Ford Mustang GT
Ini sih ga perlu banget -__-... busuk amit.... handlingnya jelek kok.... tahan aj pake Lancer.
Blacklist #7 :
Kira Nakazato (Kaze) - Mercedes-Benz CLK500
Jelek banget.... Statnya parah... Kalah jauh sama Lancer... dah ga perlu dapet lg...
Blacklist #6 :
Hector Domingo (Ming) - Lamborghini Gallardo
MOST MOST MOST MOST MOST WANTED CAR!!!! MUST HAVEEE!!!! Top speed accel handlingnya ud top abis... ngalahin Lancer... gak ada abisnya dah ^^b. Gak dapet ini sengsara loe lawan Razor.
Blacklist #5 :
Wes Allen (Webster) - Chevrolet Corvette C6
Stikernya sih kerennn... tapi performance nya kurang bagus... kalah sama Gallardo nya Ming. Dah tahan aje pake Gallardo.
Blacklist #4 :
Joe Vega (JV) - Dodge Viper SRT10
Performance sih ga perlu diragukan... Yahud dah.. tapi masih kalah ama Gallardo jg. Tahan de pake Gallardo, kalo dapet ini, jadiin selingkuhan (kalo impound strike Gallardo da ampir penuh)
Blacklist #3 :
Ronald McCrea (Ronnie) - Aston Martin DB9
Performancenya jelek, mobilnya ngepotan... stikernya bikin jorok... kuning2 kek eek... kurang suka la gw... tp kalo dijadiin selingkuhan bole jg sih. GO GALLARDO!
Blacklist #2 :
Toru Sato (Bull) - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren
Performance sih kurang, apalagi stiker... cuma mobil dikasih warna item + window tint merah, ud jadi kok....haha. SELINGKUHAN MODE! STAY AT GALLARDO!
Blacklist #1 :
Clarence Callahan (Razor) - BMW M3 GTR
NAH INI DIE! AKHIRNYA! Lawan Razor pake Gallardo. Ga kerepotan lah lawan die, cuma pegel di pursuit akhir abis kalahin die.Pake BMW, Heat 6, ga kebayang gilenya kek apa. Seabis 4 menit nanti Mia ngasih SMS ke elo, ngasih tau jalan ke jembatan putus, lompat....dan.... SELAMAT!!!! CONGRATS!!!ANDA BERHASIL MENYELESAIKAN NEED FOR SPEED : MOST WANTED!!!
NB: Buat dapetin BMW nya Razor ga perlu pake marker, soalnya emang itu BMW punya elo aslinya.
Oke, let's go to NFS Carbon.
Jujur, gw kurang doyan ama gameplaynya carbon. Kayak game perang aja rebut2an daerah.
Di awal permainan, elo bakal disuguhi scene, ke 4 boss balapan buat nentuin yg terhebat. Kenji(RX-7),Angie(Charger R/T),Wolf(DB9),dan Unknown(Supra). Nanti, Kenji,Angie,Wolf ditangkep polisi waktu tengah - tengah balapan, yg lolos cuma Supra. Darius dateng(biasa lah si anak setan 1 ini), nyuap Cross buat bebasin Kenji,Angie,Wolf.
Yap, ini cuma bayangan masa lalunya sang karakter utama kita(ya elo ndiri lah sapa lagi), ketika berada di Canyon bawa M3 GTR(bawaan dari Most Wanted).
LO KUDU KABUR DARI CROSS NIH!!! Si Cross yg agak miring itu ngejar kita pake Corvette Z06 item, kita pake BMW M3 GTR. Ujungnya waktu tengah2 kita kabur, ada scene, dimana mobil kita kejatuhan tiang, dan kita "BUSTED" sama Cross. Trus gara2 ada cewenya Darius nih (Nikki) kita lolos.
Mobil awal:
Chevrolet Camaro SS --- Muscle, tier 1
Alfa Romeo Brera --- Exotic, tier 1
Mazda RX-8 --- Tuner, tier 1
Recommended : Mazda RX-8, handlingnya paling baek, stat laennya ga kalah jauh kok.
Awal permainan , lu bakal disuguhi tutorial(sambil Pursuit -___-) cara jalanin yg namanya CREW ABILITY, lo bakal ditemenin sama Nikki(Ford GT merah) sama Neville(Mazdaspeed3/Mazda3 MPS hitam). Neville bakal jadi Crew pertama loe. Neville punya ability Blocker, ngeblok jalan lawan di belakang kita.
Crews :
-Neville : Blocker
Tier 1 : Mazdaspeed3
Tier 2 : Renault Clio V6
Tier 3 : Nissan 350z
-Sal : Scout
Tier 1 : Mazda RX-8
Tier 2 : VW Golf R32
Tier 3 : Toyota Supra
-Colin : Drafter
Tier 1 : Alfa Romeo Brera
Tier 2 : Porsche Cayman S
Tier 3 : Porsche Carrera GT
-Yumi : Scout
Tier 1 : Mazda RX-8
Tier 2 : Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Tier 3 : Subaru Impreza WRX STi
-Samson : Blocker
Tier 1 : Chevrolet Camaro SS
Tier 2 : Dodge Charger R/T
Tier 3 : Plymouth Hemi Cuda
-Nikki : Drafter
Tier 1 : -
Tier 2 : -
Tier 3 : Ford GT
Nahh... Cara nguasain daerahnya gampang, misalnya di satu region ada 3 race, elo cuma mainin 2 race ud kerebut itu daerah.
Boss Car :
Kenji(Bushido) :
Mazda RX-7
Ini jelas elo perlu, handlingnya bagus, top speed accel jg ga kalah jauh. Cukup enak buat nahan sampe lawan Wolf.
Angie (21st Street) :
Dodge Charger R/T
Gak perlu banget... Ini mobil jelek banget dah.... Buat koleksi aj sih gpp...haha
Wolf :
Aston Martin DB9
Jelek... Kalah ama RX-7 Pro Package rata lho.
Nahhh...Begitu masuk area Darius... siap2 duit aja. Beli mobil bagus, upgrade performancenya.
Recommendednya sih, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX MR, tapi buat unlocknya, elo harus main canyon lawan Evo IX MR... yg aslinya itu Kenji yg ganti mobil. Jadii buat lawan canyon nya, ada baeknya lo pake Toyota Supra dulu. Hbs itu jual, ganti Evo IX MR.
Abis itu, usahain selesein Canyon yg lawan Lamborghini Murcielago, sebenernya itu Wolf ganti mobil. Ud selese, sekarang siap2 duit banyak buat beli. Upgrade, dan siap2 aja abis nguasain semua daerahnya, lawan Darius.
NB: Kalo canyon yg Dodge Challenger Concept ma ga perlu banget. Itu Angie, tapi emang ga perlu, abis udah ada Murcielago buat apa Challenger concept? Cuma buat 100%in career...haha.
Pertama... Sprint race lawan Kenji(Evo IX MR),Angie(Challenger Concept),Wolf(Murcielago)
Kedua... Sprint race lawan 3 boss itu lage!!! OH DAMN!
Ketiga... baru nih si Darius sialan keluar... Audi LeMans dikawal SLR McLaren. Circuit race, gw saranin JANGAN LEWATKAN 1 SHORTCUT PUN! Shortcut menjadi kunci penting buat menang lawan Darius. Belokan tajem, jangan lupa pake Speedbreaker.
Keempat... CANYON RACE lawan Darius!! Asli, ini bikin gw ngulang berkali - kali. Darius belok di canyon mulus2 aje cuma pencet 1x - 2x rem, kita ? 3x - 4x pencet rem baru bisa belok mulus. Berat bgt dah... Ati2 aja jgn ampe jatuh.
Seabis itu... SELAMAT!!! ANDA BERHASIL MENYELESAIKAN NEED FOR SPEED : CARBON. Darius Audi LeMans UNLOCKED...tapi Quick Race only... Gak bisa beli/pake di Career... T___T.
Cars List :
NFS Most Wanted :
*Unlockable & Buyable :
Lexus IS300
Fiat Punto
VW Golf GTi
Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Audi TT 3.2 Quattro
Audi A3 3.2 Quattro
Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro
Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
Toyota Supra
Renault Clio V6
Mazda RX-8
Cadillac CTS
Ford Mustang
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Mercedes Benz SL 500
Pontiac GTO
Vauxhall Monaro VXR
Porsche Cayman S
Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Mazda RX-7
Mercedes Benz CLK500
Lotus Elise
Aston Martin DB9
Porsche 911 Carrera S
Dodge Viper SRT10
Lamborghini Gallardo
Porsche 911 Turbo S
Chevrolet Corvette C6
Lamborghini Murcielago
Ford GT
Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
Porsche Carrera GT
*Blacklist Bonus Cars
VW Golf GTi
Lexus IS300
Toyota Supra
Mazda RX-8
Mitsubishi Eclipse
Porsche Cayman S
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Ford Mustang GT
Mercedes Benz CLK500
Lamborghini Gallardo
Chevrolet Corvette C6
Dodge Viper SRT10
Aston Martin DB9
Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
Chevrolet Corvette C6R
Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG
Porsche 911 GT2
Carbon :
*Unlockable & Buyable :
Tier 1
1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2005 Chrysler 3000C SRT-8
Tier 2
1969 Dodge Charger R/T
2006 Dodge Charger SRT-8
2006 Ford Mustang GT
2005 Vauxhall Monaro VXR
Tier 3
2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (Street Version & Cross Version(Reward Card,Quick Race Only))
2008 Dodge Challenger Concept
2006 Dodge Viper SRT-10
1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda
Tier 1
2007 Mazda3 MPS / Mazdaspeed3
2003 Mazda RX-8
1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX ( Kayak punya Brian O'Connor di The Fast and The Furious pertama) (Quick Race Only)
Tier 2
1999 Mazda RX-7
2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
2005 Renault Clio V6
2006 Volkswagen Golf R32
Tier 3
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO IX MR
2006 Nissan 350Z
1999 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R
2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STI
1999 Toyota Supra
Tier 1
2006 Alfa Romeo Brera
2005 Mercedes-Benz CLK500
Tier 2
2004 Aston Martin DB9
2005 Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG
2006 Porsche Cayman S
Tier 3
2007 Audi R8/LeMans Quattro (Street Version & Darius Version) (Quick Race Only)
2003 BMW M3 GTR --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2005 Ford GT
2006 Lamborghini Gallardo
2004 Lamborghini Murcielago
2006 Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 (Black n Grey Version) --- Reward Card (Quick Race Only)
2004 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren
2004 Porsche Carrera GT
Others :
Police Civic Cruiser --- Tuner Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Police Interceptor --- Tuner Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Police Rhino --- Muscle Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Cross Corvette Z06 --- Muscle Tier 3 --- Reward Card
Firetruck --- Muscle Tier 0 --- Reward Card
Dumptruck --- Muscle Tier 0 --- Reward Card
NB : Ini ga bisa dipake n dibeli di Career lho, cuma isa dipake Quick Race
Ujian = Merusak Lingkungan
Sebenernya... Ujian itu ngerusak lingkungan
Mungkin manusia belom sadar.... Mereka mikirin pendidikan musi pake ujian2 yg sama sekali gada guna daripada mikirin lingkungan
Sebenernya... Ujian itu ngerusak lingkungan
Mungkin manusia belom sadar.... Mereka mikirin pendidikan musi pake ujian2 yg sama sekali gada guna daripada mikirin lingkungan
Kamis, 26 Februari 2009
minggu - minggu supersibuk
Tgs agama... dah tlat seminggu sih... tp untung pak agung msih boleh
tgs BI...blm kerjain apa2...ha3
tgs IPS... blm ngapa2... bngng og
ulangan numpuk.... GURU TERKUTUK! Ke laut dech
try out lagi... try out lagi... cape dee...LJK TERKUTUK!
UN masih 2 bulan....
a long time to get free T___T what the F***
Why ? Kenapa musti sebelom UN dikebut semua ? ARGH DAMN SIT FAK BEACH DAMB ES ESHOL BLABLABLA!!!!
minggu - minggu supersibuk
Tgs agama... dah tlat seminggu sih... tp untung pak agung msih boleh
tgs BI...blm kerjain apa2...ha3
tgs IPS... blm ngapa2... bngng og
ulangan numpuk.... GURU TERKUTUK! Ke laut dech
try out lagi... try out lagi... cape dee...LJK TERKUTUK!
UN masih 2 bulan....
a long time to get free T___T what the F***
Why ? Kenapa musti sebelom UN dikebut semua ? ARGH DAMN SIT FAK BEACH DAMB ES ESHOL BLABLABLA!!!!
Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
UJIAN kayaknya jadi suatu TUJUAN UTAMA kita berada di sekolah
kayaknya prioritas banget... kepentingan lain sampe dikorbanin buat 1 hal : UJIAN
N kayaknya hrs nilai memuaskan gt loh... huahmmmm
Pdahal.... u kerja.... bos u ga bakal tanya : nilai ujian lu berapa?
yg ada cuma nanya : lulusan apa? pengalaman kerja apa? bla bla bla.
di lowongan kerja aja gapernah ada tulisan "nilai UN minimal blablabla" yg ada "lulusan minimal S1/S2/SMA/Scampur...wkwkkwk"
Yah ksel bgt la gw tiap guru bilang "UJIAN!"
So? Ujian itu cuma KEDOK dari pemerintah... biar kita belajar giat... padahal MANFAAT = 0 BESAR!
Jd inget omongan mama papa gw... Mereka pernah cerita, kalo temen2 mereka yg pinter2 jaman dulu, sekarang hasilnya ? JUSTRU DIJADIIN ANAK BUAHNYA YG LEBIH BODO. So, apa gunanya UN hasil memuaskan kalo gapunya keahlian?
Makanya, pemerintah itu cuma CARI SENSASI pake ujian2 segala... BULLSHIT DAMN!
Math sih emang perlu
UJIAN kayaknya jadi suatu TUJUAN UTAMA kita berada di sekolah
kayaknya prioritas banget... kepentingan lain sampe dikorbanin buat 1 hal : UJIAN
N kayaknya hrs nilai memuaskan gt loh... huahmmmm
Pdahal.... u kerja.... bos u ga bakal tanya : nilai ujian lu berapa?
yg ada cuma nanya : lulusan apa? pengalaman kerja apa? bla bla bla.
di lowongan kerja aja gapernah ada tulisan "nilai UN minimal blablabla" yg ada "lulusan minimal S1/S2/SMA/Scampur...wkwkkwk"
Yah ksel bgt la gw tiap guru bilang "UJIAN!"
So? Ujian itu cuma KEDOK dari pemerintah... biar kita belajar giat... padahal MANFAAT = 0 BESAR!
Jd inget omongan mama papa gw... Mereka pernah cerita, kalo temen2 mereka yg pinter2 jaman dulu, sekarang hasilnya ? JUSTRU DIJADIIN ANAK BUAHNYA YG LEBIH BODO. So, apa gunanya UN hasil memuaskan kalo gapunya keahlian?
Makanya, pemerintah itu cuma CARI SENSASI pake ujian2 segala... BULLSHIT DAMN!
Math sih emang perlu
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
Rahasia Jari Manis
Temen2, ternyata cincin kawin ditaroh jari manis ada mitosnya loh....

1. Pertama, tunjukkan telapak tangan, pertemukan sampai seperti pada gambar *jari tengah ditekuk*, 4 jari lain pertemukan ujungnya.
2. Buka ibu jari, bisa dibuka ? bisa. Why? Ibu jari mewakili ortu. Manusia mengalami yg namanya sakit n mati. Suatu saat ortu kita bakal ninggalin kita. Tutup ibu jari.
3. Buka jari telunjuk, bisa dibuka ? masih bisa. Why? Jari telunjuk mewakili kakak/adik. Mereka suatu saat akan berkeluarga sendiri dan ninggalin kita. Tutup lagi jarinya.
4. Buka jari kelingking, bisa ? tetep aja bisa. Jari kelingking mewakili anak2 kita di masa depan, cepat lambat mereka bakal ninggalin kita juga. Ntah mate/berkeluarga ndiri. Tutup lagi jarinya.
5. Buka jari manis, bisa? NO!! Why? Jari manis mewakili suami dan istri, selama hidup mereka akan melekat satu sama lain. Inilah mitos mengapa cincin kawin ditaroh di jari manis.
Sumber : Bulletin gereja "BerZin" & SealD forum
Ntah... percaya ato engga. Keren bgt loh. Ternyta naroh cincin kawin engga sembarangan. mantap!

1. Pertama, tunjukkan telapak tangan, pertemukan sampai seperti pada gambar *jari tengah ditekuk*, 4 jari lain pertemukan ujungnya.
2. Buka ibu jari, bisa dibuka ? bisa. Why? Ibu jari mewakili ortu. Manusia mengalami yg namanya sakit n mati. Suatu saat ortu kita bakal ninggalin kita. Tutup ibu jari.
3. Buka jari telunjuk, bisa dibuka ? masih bisa. Why? Jari telunjuk mewakili kakak/adik. Mereka suatu saat akan berkeluarga sendiri dan ninggalin kita. Tutup lagi jarinya.
4. Buka jari kelingking, bisa ? tetep aja bisa. Jari kelingking mewakili anak2 kita di masa depan, cepat lambat mereka bakal ninggalin kita juga. Ntah mate/berkeluarga ndiri. Tutup lagi jarinya.
5. Buka jari manis, bisa? NO!! Why? Jari manis mewakili suami dan istri, selama hidup mereka akan melekat satu sama lain. Inilah mitos mengapa cincin kawin ditaroh di jari manis.
Sumber : Bulletin gereja "BerZin" & SealD forum
Ntah... percaya ato engga. Keren bgt loh. Ternyta naroh cincin kawin engga sembarangan. mantap!
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Adow... Gak biasa de sehari 2x post
Gpp ya? Huehueheu
Lagi tertarik sama drift, cuma gw gabisa..huks... + gabole jg...blm ada SIM T__T
Asal tau , drift itu aksi kepot2an mobil, cuma bisa dilakuin sama mobil 2WD(RWD(Rear Wheel Drive) dan FWD(Front Wheel Drive)) semisal sedan sport macem Mazda RX(7 & 8), Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, dll. Knp engga Mitsubishi Lancer? Lancer Evolution kurang cocok buat kepot2an, buktinya di game Juiced2, Lancer Evo VIII kagak ada tulisan "Good Drift Car". Di luar negeri, biasanya mobil Muscle yg jadi andalan kepot2, misal Ford Mustang,Chevy Camaro,Dodge Charger/Challenger. Tentunya Muscle Car enggak murah donk. Bentuknya ngotak, jelek, mahal lagi, tapi orang mau beli? Ya, ingatlah peribahasa "Don't Judge The Book From Its Cover". Mesin yg dipake juga kagak neko2, minim V6, max bisa ampe V12, cuma blm ada pabrikan yg nyoba mesin V12 buat muscle, paling cuma V8 mentok. Bayangin aja, "Minimal" aja V6, tau kan V6 sekenceng apa? Kalo gatau, coba aja bayangin Mitsubishi Galant versi paus/hiu(ud pake V6) digeber sampe sekenceng2nya. Konsekuensinya ya boros BBM, cuma tenaga yg dihasilkan jg gak dikit, 0-100 km/h kurang dari 10 dtk, jelas kenceng dong. Bayangin Jkt - Bandung yg notabene macetnya gile kalo lancar 2 jam aja kg nyampe kali? Hehe. Kalo macet ya borosnya kek apa gabisa dibayangin dah.
Dah2 kok malah ngelantur bahas mesin V6 sama Galant? kita kan mau bahas drifting?
Di Indo, drifting juga engga kalah dari negara2 lain lho. Buktinya di negara kita sering diadain event slalom, yg notabene ga beda jauh ama kepot2an.
Bedanya, Slalom itu teknik U-Turn, kalo Drifting kan gak selalu U-Turn. Intinya, slalom gak selalu drift, drift bukan slalom.
Gambar2 drifting:

Drift pake Toyota Supra, top abis!

drift ampe bumper copot...mantap

kompetisi drift di jepun loh


yap, kalo drifting, tentunya gak pake mobil asal2an, harus cepet n ngepotnya lama, misalnya kalo di Jepang pake Nissan Silvia/180sx/200sx/240sx,Toyota AE86,Mazda RX-7,Nissan A31 Cefiro,Nissan C33 Laurel,Nissan Skyline(RWD Version),Nissan 350z,Toyota Altezza,Toyota Chaser,Toyota Mark II,Toyota Supra Mark IV, Toyota MZ20 Soarer,Honda S2000,Acura/Honda NSX,Ford Mustang, Mazda Miata MX-5. Di Amrik, ketambahan pesaing, Dodge Charger,Chrysler LLC,Pontiac Solstice,Holden Commodore,Holden Monaro. Di negara lain jg ada yg pake mobil lokal favorit, semisal merek Jaguar,Vauxhall,BMW seri 3,Mercedes,Porsche,Alfa Romeo.
Teknik Drifting (bahasa inggris, gabisa artiinnya...hehehe)
Techniques for inducing drift
The basic driving techniques used in drifting are constant, though each car and driver will employ some subset of these techniques. A similarity for all drifting techniques is to be smooth and practice. These techniques include
Beginner techniques
These techniques do not use weight transition, so are typically the first thing the novice drifter learns.[9] However they are still used by the most experienced drifters, and require skill to execute properly. These techniques aim to induce a loss of traction on the rear wheels, either by locking the wheel (hand brake drift) or using enough power from the engine to break the traction force (power-oversteer and clutch kick).
Hand brake drift
Hand brake is a lever that stops the rear wheel so it upsets the rear wheels grip and it tends to drift. Hand brake is one of the fastest, easiest, and most dangerous methods of drifting. It can also damage the cars axels, stall the engine, ruin the rubber on the tires, etc. There are many ways for this not to happen but I'll show you three examples.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race.
* Let go of the gas, hold the clutch and pull the handbrake just enough to upset the rear end.
* Gas and let go of the clutch at the same time.
* Control the drift all the way.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race.
* Let go of the gas and pull the hand brake. to the optimum angle. Then let go.
* Control the drift all the way.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race but this time, 5-20 MPH slower and or if mastered, in a higher rear.
* Hold the clutch and gas it just on the redline or about 6000-8300 rpm (on dial says 6-8.3 or 60-83) and hold the handbrake to the optimum angle. Then let go.
* Let go of the clutch and gas it until controllable.
* Control the drift all the way.
Power oversteer or Powerslide
It is usually done at the corner exit by stepping on the gas hard, to slide side ways out of the corner. It is most commonly employed by beginners because it teaches steering and throttle control without the danger of an actual entry oriented drift.
In low-power cars power oversteer can be achieved by applying excessive amount of throttle at the end of a shift. As you are releasing the clutch during a shift, or immediately before that while the clutch is still depressed, press accelerator all the way to send more power to the rear wheels than is necessary for a smooth upshift. If done during a turn, the car will begin to slide. This technique can be used to initiate a drift at very low speeds in an underpowered car (e.g., when shifting from 1st to 2nd gear), and to enter in a higher gear while accelerating all the way up to the turn (e.g., accelerate in 2nd on the straight and shift into 3rd as you enter the turn).
The sequence of actions is as follows:
* Easily feather the gas in the straight line leading to the turn.
* Turn the steering wheel to begin the turn.
* Floor the accelerator.
* Wait for the car to go sideways, then countersteer and control the slide and proceed to exit the corner.
Depending on how much power the car is making it is possible to keep the gas pedal floored from the shift throughout the entire drift, and in a low-power car this is often necessary.
Shift lock (compression slide)
Initiated by downshifting (usually from third to second or fourth to third, and using a very fast shift) instead of braking, without rev-matching, causing the drive wheels to lock momentarily. Helpful for very tight corners, allowing the driver to approach the corner at a slower speed and lower revs, while allowing quick acceleration when exiting the corner. This technique can be very damaging to the engine if mis-used as the ECU is unable to rev limit when the engine is oversped by the rear wheels. Premature downshifters are called "Rod Stretchers".
Clutch Kick
This is done by "kicking" the clutch (pushing in, then out, usually more than one time in a drift for adjustment in a very fast manner) to send a shock through the powertrain, upsetting the car's balance. This causes the rear wheels to slip. The foot should be at an angle (heel-toe) so the brake and gas may be pressed as well, this being needed to control speed and stop from spinning out in the drift.
Clutch kick can also be used during a drift to gain angle at the expense of speed. If the car is about to straighten itself out, kicking the clutch will cause it to rotate more. However since power delivery is interrupted while the clutch is depressed the car will lose some speed during the process and damage the gears and crank shaft. The steps to clutch kick:
* Start driving into a corner but slower, and/or in a higher gear.
* Turn into the corner.
* Gas and a split second later you gas, keep tapping the clutch to make the wheels spin to slide but don't let go of the gas when clutching.
* Control the spin with the handbrake, brake, or gas.
(If nessesary, keep popping the clutch to keep the wheels sliding)
Weight transition techniques
These techniques employ a further concept of weight transition. When a vehicle has the load towards the front, the back wheels have less grip than the front, causing an oversteer condition that can initiate a drift.
Braking drift
This drift is performed by braking into a corner, so that the car can transfer weight to the front. This is immediately followed by throttle, which in an RWD car causes the rear wheels to lose traction. FWD cars can also use this technique as it does not depend on the rear wheels being driven. In FWD cars the front wheels are not allowed to lock due to the continuous power, the rear wheels locks easily due to weight transfer and due to the general front heavy design of FWDs. Good performance brake pads will help this technique.
Inertia (Feint) drift or Scandinavian flick
This is done by transferring the weight of the car towards the outside of a turn by first turning away from the turn and then quickly turning back using the inertia of the rear of the car to swing into the desired drifting line. Sometimes the hand-brake will be applied while transferring the weight of the car towards the outside to lock the rear wheels and help the rear swing outwards. This type of drifting causes the car to accelerate faster afterwards, because of momentum built up while drifting.
Note that the actual scandinavian flick maneuver in rally driving is more complex than feint drifting. In scandinavian flick the tires are intentionally locked by braking hard right after turning a little away from the corner. While the wheels are locked, the driver applies steering input into the corner, adds throttle while still braking and then rapidly releases the brake pedal. This causes the car to slingshot itself through the corner.
Kansei, Lift off, or Taking In
[13] - By letting off the accelerator while cornering at very high speeds, cars with relatively neutral handling will begin to slide, simply from the weight transfer resulting from engine braking. The drift is controlled afterwards by steering inputs from the driver and light pedal work, similar to the Braking drift.
Dirt drop
This is done by dropping the rear tires off the sealed road onto dirt, or whatever low-grip surface borders the road, to maintain or gain drift angle. Also colloquially called "Dirt Turbo"
Choku-Dori/Manji (Pendulum)
Otherwise known as over-sway, this technique is done by swaying the car's weight back and forth on straightaways, using countersteer and throttle to maintain a large angle. This is a show maneuver that usually involves many cars following the same line. The car will be drifting straight and will be drifting side to side.
Advanced Drifting Technique
This is very useful if you have mastered all the techniques of drifting and have carefuly tuned your car with your style. If you want to master this technique, you must get good tires that have grip and can be able to drift. Many profesionals upgrade their cars from 200-1000 hp but don't go over 400 hp if you are a beginner. And make sure to put enough touque because horsepower isn't everything in drifting.
What you need is to turn off your ESP (Electronic Stability Control(Equiped in many Mercedes-Benz)), TC (Traction Control)off, require a Manual Transmission with a clutch pedal and the clutch must be 2-3 plates. Also, you will need a FR, RWD, AWD (4WD) with a 0/100-20/80 torque distrubution (front/rear), ABS can be off or disabled. Stiff suspension front and back depending on your style and must be as low from the ground as possible but not too low that it scrapes the ground (50-90 mm off the ground), and you need a LSD (Limited Slip Differential). For safety, buy a racing seat with a 4 point seat belt and a 6 or 8 point roll cage. All right. On to the steps.
Kanji type 1:
* Come up to a corner at a fair rate of speed like in a race track.
* Push the Brakes 50 meters away from the racing line for braking but don't slam on the brakes but push it about 50%.
* Feint as little as possible.
* Power-over and clutch-kick all the way.
* Use handbrake and clutch-kick to increase angle.
Kanji type 2:
* Come up to a corner at a fair rate of speed like in a race track.
* Push the Brakes 50 meters away from the racing line for braking but don't slam on the brakes but push it about 50%.
* Hold the clutch and rev up to 5000-6500 RPM.
* Pop the clutch and control.
* Use handbrake and clutch-kick to increase angle.
If you want to transition to a different direction, hold the clutch and turn in more and clutch kick or another way is to let go of the gas, turn in, and power over and control. To end a drift is to turn in very fast and hold the clutch until steady.
Sumber: Wikipedia
-Clutch = Kopling
-Brake = Rem
-Gas = Gas < tau ndiri donk
Drifting tentunya jg ngerusak ban sma bumper. Rata2 mobil drift bumpernya ceper, biar stabil, jadi enggak heran kalo mobil drift sering keilangan bumper *liat gambar Nissan Silvia di atas*. Daya cengkeram ban juga makin berkurang, seiring dipake ngepot terus, jadi mobil kompetisi drift sedia banyak banget ban cadangan di pitstopnya.
Sayang banget, di Indo, drift jalanan dilarang. Mau ngelakuin harus kucing2an sama polisi dulu. Huf.. Di indo sirkuit drift kaga ada, gimana mau drifting? Padahal sering diadain kompetisi drifting, komunitas drifter juga ada, misalnya DRIFTinc, komunitas drifter di Jaksel(Jakarta Selatan), bahkan PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, produsen ban Achilles di Indo juga gandeng Indonesia Drifting Community(IDC). Sayang, kurangnya sarana berlatih membuat drift di Indo enggak sebaik negara2 lain.
Wish i'd try this on the future :(.
Gpp ya? Huehueheu
Lagi tertarik sama drift, cuma gw gabisa..huks... + gabole jg...blm ada SIM T__T
Asal tau , drift itu aksi kepot2an mobil, cuma bisa dilakuin sama mobil 2WD(RWD(Rear Wheel Drive) dan FWD(Front Wheel Drive)) semisal sedan sport macem Mazda RX(7 & 8), Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, dll. Knp engga Mitsubishi Lancer? Lancer Evolution kurang cocok buat kepot2an, buktinya di game Juiced2, Lancer Evo VIII kagak ada tulisan "Good Drift Car". Di luar negeri, biasanya mobil Muscle yg jadi andalan kepot2, misal Ford Mustang,Chevy Camaro,Dodge Charger/Challenger. Tentunya Muscle Car enggak murah donk. Bentuknya ngotak, jelek, mahal lagi, tapi orang mau beli? Ya, ingatlah peribahasa "Don't Judge The Book From Its Cover". Mesin yg dipake juga kagak neko2, minim V6, max bisa ampe V12, cuma blm ada pabrikan yg nyoba mesin V12 buat muscle, paling cuma V8 mentok. Bayangin aja, "Minimal" aja V6, tau kan V6 sekenceng apa? Kalo gatau, coba aja bayangin Mitsubishi Galant versi paus/hiu(ud pake V6) digeber sampe sekenceng2nya. Konsekuensinya ya boros BBM, cuma tenaga yg dihasilkan jg gak dikit, 0-100 km/h kurang dari 10 dtk, jelas kenceng dong. Bayangin Jkt - Bandung yg notabene macetnya gile kalo lancar 2 jam aja kg nyampe kali? Hehe. Kalo macet ya borosnya kek apa gabisa dibayangin dah.
Dah2 kok malah ngelantur bahas mesin V6 sama Galant? kita kan mau bahas drifting?
Di Indo, drifting juga engga kalah dari negara2 lain lho. Buktinya di negara kita sering diadain event slalom, yg notabene ga beda jauh ama kepot2an.
Bedanya, Slalom itu teknik U-Turn, kalo Drifting kan gak selalu U-Turn. Intinya, slalom gak selalu drift, drift bukan slalom.
Gambar2 drifting:
Drift pake Toyota Supra, top abis!

drift ampe bumper copot...mantap

kompetisi drift di jepun loh


yap, kalo drifting, tentunya gak pake mobil asal2an, harus cepet n ngepotnya lama, misalnya kalo di Jepang pake Nissan Silvia/180sx/200sx/240sx,Toyota AE86,Mazda RX-7,Nissan A31 Cefiro,Nissan C33 Laurel,Nissan Skyline(RWD Version),Nissan 350z,Toyota Altezza,Toyota Chaser,Toyota Mark II,Toyota Supra Mark IV, Toyota MZ20 Soarer,Honda S2000,Acura/Honda NSX,Ford Mustang, Mazda Miata MX-5. Di Amrik, ketambahan pesaing, Dodge Charger,Chrysler LLC,Pontiac Solstice,Holden Commodore,Holden Monaro. Di negara lain jg ada yg pake mobil lokal favorit, semisal merek Jaguar,Vauxhall,BMW seri 3,Mercedes,Porsche,Alfa Romeo.
Teknik Drifting (bahasa inggris, gabisa artiinnya...hehehe)
Techniques for inducing drift
The basic driving techniques used in drifting are constant, though each car and driver will employ some subset of these techniques. A similarity for all drifting techniques is to be smooth and practice. These techniques include
Beginner techniques
These techniques do not use weight transition, so are typically the first thing the novice drifter learns.[9] However they are still used by the most experienced drifters, and require skill to execute properly. These techniques aim to induce a loss of traction on the rear wheels, either by locking the wheel (hand brake drift) or using enough power from the engine to break the traction force (power-oversteer and clutch kick).
Hand brake drift
Hand brake is a lever that stops the rear wheel so it upsets the rear wheels grip and it tends to drift. Hand brake is one of the fastest, easiest, and most dangerous methods of drifting. It can also damage the cars axels, stall the engine, ruin the rubber on the tires, etc. There are many ways for this not to happen but I'll show you three examples.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race.
* Let go of the gas, hold the clutch and pull the handbrake just enough to upset the rear end.
* Gas and let go of the clutch at the same time.
* Control the drift all the way.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race.
* Let go of the gas and pull the hand brake. to the optimum angle. Then let go.
* Control the drift all the way.
* Come to a corner with plenty of speed like you would do in a regular grip race but this time, 5-20 MPH slower and or if mastered, in a higher rear.
* Hold the clutch and gas it just on the redline or about 6000-8300 rpm (on dial says 6-8.3 or 60-83) and hold the handbrake to the optimum angle. Then let go.
* Let go of the clutch and gas it until controllable.
* Control the drift all the way.
Power oversteer or Powerslide
It is usually done at the corner exit by stepping on the gas hard, to slide side ways out of the corner. It is most commonly employed by beginners because it teaches steering and throttle control without the danger of an actual entry oriented drift.
In low-power cars power oversteer can be achieved by applying excessive amount of throttle at the end of a shift. As you are releasing the clutch during a shift, or immediately before that while the clutch is still depressed, press accelerator all the way to send more power to the rear wheels than is necessary for a smooth upshift. If done during a turn, the car will begin to slide. This technique can be used to initiate a drift at very low speeds in an underpowered car (e.g., when shifting from 1st to 2nd gear), and to enter in a higher gear while accelerating all the way up to the turn (e.g., accelerate in 2nd on the straight and shift into 3rd as you enter the turn).
The sequence of actions is as follows:
* Easily feather the gas in the straight line leading to the turn.
* Turn the steering wheel to begin the turn.
* Floor the accelerator.
* Wait for the car to go sideways, then countersteer and control the slide and proceed to exit the corner.
Depending on how much power the car is making it is possible to keep the gas pedal floored from the shift throughout the entire drift, and in a low-power car this is often necessary.
Shift lock (compression slide)
Initiated by downshifting (usually from third to second or fourth to third, and using a very fast shift) instead of braking, without rev-matching, causing the drive wheels to lock momentarily. Helpful for very tight corners, allowing the driver to approach the corner at a slower speed and lower revs, while allowing quick acceleration when exiting the corner. This technique can be very damaging to the engine if mis-used as the ECU is unable to rev limit when the engine is oversped by the rear wheels. Premature downshifters are called "Rod Stretchers".
Clutch Kick
This is done by "kicking" the clutch (pushing in, then out, usually more than one time in a drift for adjustment in a very fast manner) to send a shock through the powertrain, upsetting the car's balance. This causes the rear wheels to slip. The foot should be at an angle (heel-toe) so the brake and gas may be pressed as well, this being needed to control speed and stop from spinning out in the drift.
Clutch kick can also be used during a drift to gain angle at the expense of speed. If the car is about to straighten itself out, kicking the clutch will cause it to rotate more. However since power delivery is interrupted while the clutch is depressed the car will lose some speed during the process and damage the gears and crank shaft. The steps to clutch kick:
* Start driving into a corner but slower, and/or in a higher gear.
* Turn into the corner.
* Gas and a split second later you gas, keep tapping the clutch to make the wheels spin to slide but don't let go of the gas when clutching.
* Control the spin with the handbrake, brake, or gas.
(If nessesary, keep popping the clutch to keep the wheels sliding)
Weight transition techniques
These techniques employ a further concept of weight transition. When a vehicle has the load towards the front, the back wheels have less grip than the front, causing an oversteer condition that can initiate a drift.
Braking drift
This drift is performed by braking into a corner, so that the car can transfer weight to the front. This is immediately followed by throttle, which in an RWD car causes the rear wheels to lose traction. FWD cars can also use this technique as it does not depend on the rear wheels being driven. In FWD cars the front wheels are not allowed to lock due to the continuous power, the rear wheels locks easily due to weight transfer and due to the general front heavy design of FWDs. Good performance brake pads will help this technique.
Inertia (Feint) drift or Scandinavian flick
This is done by transferring the weight of the car towards the outside of a turn by first turning away from the turn and then quickly turning back using the inertia of the rear of the car to swing into the desired drifting line. Sometimes the hand-brake will be applied while transferring the weight of the car towards the outside to lock the rear wheels and help the rear swing outwards. This type of drifting causes the car to accelerate faster afterwards, because of momentum built up while drifting.
Note that the actual scandinavian flick maneuver in rally driving is more complex than feint drifting. In scandinavian flick the tires are intentionally locked by braking hard right after turning a little away from the corner. While the wheels are locked, the driver applies steering input into the corner, adds throttle while still braking and then rapidly releases the brake pedal. This causes the car to slingshot itself through the corner.
Kansei, Lift off, or Taking In
[13] - By letting off the accelerator while cornering at very high speeds, cars with relatively neutral handling will begin to slide, simply from the weight transfer resulting from engine braking. The drift is controlled afterwards by steering inputs from the driver and light pedal work, similar to the Braking drift.
Dirt drop
This is done by dropping the rear tires off the sealed road onto dirt, or whatever low-grip surface borders the road, to maintain or gain drift angle. Also colloquially called "Dirt Turbo"
Choku-Dori/Manji (Pendulum)
Otherwise known as over-sway, this technique is done by swaying the car's weight back and forth on straightaways, using countersteer and throttle to maintain a large angle. This is a show maneuver that usually involves many cars following the same line. The car will be drifting straight and will be drifting side to side.
Advanced Drifting Technique
This is very useful if you have mastered all the techniques of drifting and have carefuly tuned your car with your style. If you want to master this technique, you must get good tires that have grip and can be able to drift. Many profesionals upgrade their cars from 200-1000 hp but don't go over 400 hp if you are a beginner. And make sure to put enough touque because horsepower isn't everything in drifting.
What you need is to turn off your ESP (Electronic Stability Control(Equiped in many Mercedes-Benz)), TC (Traction Control)off, require a Manual Transmission with a clutch pedal and the clutch must be 2-3 plates. Also, you will need a FR, RWD, AWD (4WD) with a 0/100-20/80 torque distrubution (front/rear), ABS can be off or disabled. Stiff suspension front and back depending on your style and must be as low from the ground as possible but not too low that it scrapes the ground (50-90 mm off the ground), and you need a LSD (Limited Slip Differential). For safety, buy a racing seat with a 4 point seat belt and a 6 or 8 point roll cage. All right. On to the steps.
Kanji type 1:
* Come up to a corner at a fair rate of speed like in a race track.
* Push the Brakes 50 meters away from the racing line for braking but don't slam on the brakes but push it about 50%.
* Feint as little as possible.
* Power-over and clutch-kick all the way.
* Use handbrake and clutch-kick to increase angle.
Kanji type 2:
* Come up to a corner at a fair rate of speed like in a race track.
* Push the Brakes 50 meters away from the racing line for braking but don't slam on the brakes but push it about 50%.
* Hold the clutch and rev up to 5000-6500 RPM.
* Pop the clutch and control.
* Use handbrake and clutch-kick to increase angle.
If you want to transition to a different direction, hold the clutch and turn in more and clutch kick or another way is to let go of the gas, turn in, and power over and control. To end a drift is to turn in very fast and hold the clutch until steady.
Sumber: Wikipedia
-Clutch = Kopling
-Brake = Rem
-Gas = Gas < tau ndiri donk
Drifting tentunya jg ngerusak ban sma bumper. Rata2 mobil drift bumpernya ceper, biar stabil, jadi enggak heran kalo mobil drift sering keilangan bumper *liat gambar Nissan Silvia di atas*. Daya cengkeram ban juga makin berkurang, seiring dipake ngepot terus, jadi mobil kompetisi drift sedia banyak banget ban cadangan di pitstopnya.
Sayang banget, di Indo, drift jalanan dilarang. Mau ngelakuin harus kucing2an sama polisi dulu. Huf.. Di indo sirkuit drift kaga ada, gimana mau drifting? Padahal sering diadain kompetisi drifting, komunitas drifter juga ada, misalnya DRIFTinc, komunitas drifter di Jaksel(Jakarta Selatan), bahkan PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, produsen ban Achilles di Indo juga gandeng Indonesia Drifting Community(IDC). Sayang, kurangnya sarana berlatih membuat drift di Indo enggak sebaik negara2 lain.
Wish i'd try this on the future :(.
Msh Jaman gebuk2an? Drag race aje.
Udah umur gede masih jaman ga sih gebuk2an? pokol2an? berantem fisik?
Nyadar diri donk! Udah SMP masih aja main pukul2an?
Pukul2an mah level anak TK sama SD.
Emangnya elo main pukul2an dibilang jantan? Gw bilang KONYOL....HAUHAUAHAUA NGAKAK!!! Udah gede ternyata main nya masih fisik..... KEK BOCAH TK TAU!!! WKKWKWKWK. BOCAH TK MAH DIKIT DILEDEK AJA UDAH GEBUK. Apa bedanye coy?
Mau nyali loe disamain ama bocah TK????
Orang tawuran??? SAMA AJA GADA BEDA AMA BOCAH TK!!! WKAKAKAKKAKA. Ngelakuin hal sia", gada manfaat, cuma bikin kericuhan.
Udah gede mah main kepala dingin, apa2 selesein pake kepala, bukan pake tangan. Ud gede mainnya panasan, main gebuk ? Ya ampunnnnn.... jaman bahela kk, main fisik ke palestina sono, perang sama israel, pake pistol lebih ampuh. Badan gede main pukul aje, otak ga pernah dipake, pantes ga naek kk WKWKKWKWKKW. GA HERAN!!!! Badan gede aje dibanggain.... Buat nutupin IQ JONGKOK? WKKWKWKWKWK
Kalo mau selesein aja sekalian di balik lingkar kemudi.... DRAG RACE SENE!!!! WKAWKAWK. Lebih sehat, lebih asik, lebih keren, ditangkep polisi resiko anda :-".
Nyadar diri donk! Udah SMP masih aja main pukul2an?
Pukul2an mah level anak TK sama SD.
Emangnya elo main pukul2an dibilang jantan? Gw bilang KONYOL....HAUHAUAHAUA NGAKAK!!! Udah gede ternyata main nya masih fisik..... KEK BOCAH TK TAU!!! WKKWKWKWK. BOCAH TK MAH DIKIT DILEDEK AJA UDAH GEBUK. Apa bedanye coy?
Mau nyali loe disamain ama bocah TK????
Orang tawuran??? SAMA AJA GADA BEDA AMA BOCAH TK!!! WKAKAKAKKAKA. Ngelakuin hal sia", gada manfaat, cuma bikin kericuhan.
Udah gede mah main kepala dingin, apa2 selesein pake kepala, bukan pake tangan. Ud gede mainnya panasan, main gebuk ? Ya ampunnnnn.... jaman bahela kk, main fisik ke palestina sono, perang sama israel, pake pistol lebih ampuh. Badan gede main pukul aje, otak ga pernah dipake, pantes ga naek kk WKWKKWKWKKW. GA HERAN!!!! Badan gede aje dibanggain.... Buat nutupin IQ JONGKOK? WKKWKWKWKWK
Kalo mau selesein aja sekalian di balik lingkar kemudi.... DRAG RACE SENE!!!! WKAWKAWK. Lebih sehat, lebih asik, lebih keren, ditangkep polisi resiko anda :-".
Jumat, 20 Februari 2009
Luv is Sumthin dat i'll never understand
Duh duh duhhh
Pusing bgt loh akhir2 ini
TO jlek2.... huf
bnyk yg hrs dikerjain.. ulangan.... tugas...dll ARGH!!! DAMN!
yg paling bikin pusing 1 : PDKT engga jelas... gada perkembangan. Rasane ky yg ditulis d komentar babang kevin di entry ku yg sebelumne, yap... PECUNDANG! Kpn dapet mah kl gini trs?
Hrsnya si gw da ada rencana *blablabla* tp ntah napa, masih ragu jadi / kgk. Blm jelas soalnya, reaksinya si *blablabla* gimana. Best frend nya ditanya malah bilang "ya nda napa2 to ya?" huf~ kok malah makin ragu ya? Ntah, yg kemaren hari selasa itu emang "disengaja" apa udah "kebiasaan" nya? Klo gw ngomong, gak usah repot2 buang pulsa cuma buat SMS blg "makasih blablabla dst dsb". Tau dah kalo emang tanggapan postif. Kata temen si gitu, tapi kalo buat *dia* cuma sekedar ngmong "thanks blablabla" ya gatau de.... aduhhhhhh >.< bingung+pusing+penasaran+blablabla dst dsb dll dkk dsj gatau laaaa emang namanye cinta susah dimengerti @.@ kayak slogannya temen gw.... "Luv is sumthin dat i'll never understand"
Pusing bgt loh akhir2 ini
TO jlek2.... huf
bnyk yg hrs dikerjain.. ulangan.... tugas...dll ARGH!!! DAMN!
yg paling bikin pusing 1 : PDKT engga jelas... gada perkembangan. Rasane ky yg ditulis d komentar babang kevin di entry ku yg sebelumne, yap... PECUNDANG! Kpn dapet mah kl gini trs?
Hrsnya si gw da ada rencana *blablabla* tp ntah napa, masih ragu jadi / kgk. Blm jelas soalnya, reaksinya si *blablabla* gimana. Best frend nya ditanya malah bilang "ya nda napa2 to ya?" huf~ kok malah makin ragu ya? Ntah, yg kemaren hari selasa itu emang "disengaja" apa udah "kebiasaan" nya? Klo gw ngomong, gak usah repot2 buang pulsa cuma buat SMS blg "makasih blablabla dst dsb". Tau dah kalo emang tanggapan postif. Kata temen si gitu, tapi kalo buat *dia* cuma sekedar ngmong "thanks blablabla" ya gatau de.... aduhhhhhh >.< bingung+pusing+penasaran+blablabla dst dsb dll dkk dsj gatau laaaa emang namanye cinta susah dimengerti @.@ kayak slogannya temen gw.... "Luv is sumthin dat i'll never understand"
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
Confusing Val Day...
Knp gw selalu grogi kalo hrs ngemeng ama cw?
Knp gw selalu takut? Serasa punya 6th sense, padahal kga.
Knp gw gabisa se berani temen gw, ngasih coklat ke cw yg dia suka, sekalipun blm pacaran? Rasanya gw jadi cowo parah bgt ya, serba takut, pecundang, loser kalo orang bilang.
Mau ksh coklat ke *blablabla* pake mikir 2 - 3x, "gimana kalo dia gamau? andai aja bisa ,tempatnya dimana?" dan ribuan macam pertanyaan. Rasanya gw parah bgt. Ya emang ud kenal sih, tapi kalo ga gt deket mau kasih gmn? Bisa2 malu ndiri de. Maklum, gw emang tipikal cowo kasar, bukan romantis. Bisa diliat dari kelakuan aj, serba kasar, ga cuma omongan, doyan berantem jg.
Tadi acara Val Day d skulah, cuma liat dia sekilas-duakilas(apa sih duakilas?). Gile di panggung orangnya, ketemu jg malah dibikin malu. huw...
Besok Senin... mungkin gw masih hrs mikir 2x... kasih engga kasih engga kasih engga....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????!!!!
Ngasih bingung, serba salah. Ga ngasih ky nya ada yg kurang gtu.
Help meee!!!!
Knp gw selalu grogi kalo hrs ngemeng ama cw?
Knp gw selalu takut? Serasa punya 6th sense, padahal kga.
Knp gw gabisa se berani temen gw, ngasih coklat ke cw yg dia suka, sekalipun blm pacaran? Rasanya gw jadi cowo parah bgt ya, serba takut, pecundang, loser kalo orang bilang.
Mau ksh coklat ke *blablabla* pake mikir 2 - 3x, "gimana kalo dia gamau? andai aja bisa ,tempatnya dimana?" dan ribuan macam pertanyaan. Rasanya gw parah bgt. Ya emang ud kenal sih, tapi kalo ga gt deket mau kasih gmn? Bisa2 malu ndiri de. Maklum, gw emang tipikal cowo kasar, bukan romantis. Bisa diliat dari kelakuan aj, serba kasar, ga cuma omongan, doyan berantem jg.
Tadi acara Val Day d skulah, cuma liat dia sekilas-duakilas(apa sih duakilas?). Gile di panggung orangnya, ketemu jg malah dibikin malu. huw...
Besok Senin... mungkin gw masih hrs mikir 2x... kasih engga kasih engga kasih engga....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????!!!!
Ngasih bingung, serba salah. Ga ngasih ky nya ada yg kurang gtu.
Help meee!!!!
Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009
Why? Rasanya akhir2 ini pusing bgt
Pusing nan stres... PDKT selalu terhalang oleh hal" yg tdk diinginkan
Ntah napa... Nd jodoh ? Huw~ rasanya... Usaha mengubah rasa benci mjd cinta itu susah bgt...bgt....BGT!!! Tp kok usahaku selama ini sia-sia ky nya.. dari benci jd cinta... dari barat k timur,,, dari utara k selatan, rasanya jarak yg ditempuh sia2...
Cuma 1 hal inilah yg gw suka dari ni cw, sekalipun ud beredar gosip gara" temen yg mulutnya bak ember bocor... dy tetep tegar, cuek, bomad(bodo amad), dll. Nd kayak yg dolo si *bla bla bla* bgitu dgosipin ngamuk. Jarang loh nemu cw yang tegar ky gini.
Bahkan gw sering tanya" sama sohib paling deketnya, sohibnya bilang "nd marah kok, dia y biasa aj, nd kenapa2". Oh thank God.... Ntah apa itu suatu tanda kalo emg jodoh? Ntah dia nd urus ? Ntahlah.... only God knows. Sohib dktnya aj cm bilang "nd ngasih tanggapan apa2" alias no comment. Tapi ASLI, dari pengalaman naksir cewe, cuma 1 ini yg bisa tegar bgt, yg laen ma diasapin.
Yah, si sohib dktnya cuma bilang "tembak aj langsung", nah ini yg bikin gw ragu, siap nd gw lakuinnya? PDKT aja masih pas2an, nembak gmn? Ditolak mentah2 pasti.
Yah, ntah gimanapun, let time show it. Ga perlu buru2 la. Lagian gw da ada "Soulmate" khusus d kelas, maybe yah buat nyobain rasanya ber2 sama cw ? Lagian gw rada bingung c bedanya soulmate sm pacar?
Soulmate = masih sebatas teman ?
Pacar = udah ada hub. khusus?
Aneh2 aja de... hahaha lo baca aj pasti aneh ko :P
Pusing nan stres... PDKT selalu terhalang oleh hal" yg tdk diinginkan
Ntah napa... Nd jodoh ? Huw~ rasanya... Usaha mengubah rasa benci mjd cinta itu susah bgt...bgt....BGT!!! Tp kok usahaku selama ini sia-sia ky nya.. dari benci jd cinta... dari barat k timur,,, dari utara k selatan, rasanya jarak yg ditempuh sia2...
Cuma 1 hal inilah yg gw suka dari ni cw, sekalipun ud beredar gosip gara" temen yg mulutnya bak ember bocor... dy tetep tegar, cuek, bomad(bodo amad), dll. Nd kayak yg dolo si *bla bla bla* bgitu dgosipin ngamuk. Jarang loh nemu cw yang tegar ky gini.
Bahkan gw sering tanya" sama sohib paling deketnya, sohibnya bilang "nd marah kok, dia y biasa aj, nd kenapa2". Oh thank God.... Ntah apa itu suatu tanda kalo emg jodoh? Ntah dia nd urus ? Ntahlah.... only God knows. Sohib dktnya aj cm bilang "nd ngasih tanggapan apa2" alias no comment. Tapi ASLI, dari pengalaman naksir cewe, cuma 1 ini yg bisa tegar bgt, yg laen ma diasapin.
Yah, si sohib dktnya cuma bilang "tembak aj langsung", nah ini yg bikin gw ragu, siap nd gw lakuinnya? PDKT aja masih pas2an, nembak gmn? Ditolak mentah2 pasti.
Yah, ntah gimanapun, let time show it. Ga perlu buru2 la. Lagian gw da ada "Soulmate" khusus d kelas, maybe yah buat nyobain rasanya ber2 sama cw ? Lagian gw rada bingung c bedanya soulmate sm pacar?
Soulmate = masih sebatas teman ?
Pacar = udah ada hub. khusus?
Aneh2 aja de... hahaha lo baca aj pasti aneh ko :P
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
Mana Ada Maling Ngaku?
ahahha lama nd urus blog
lagi kesel
kemalingan? bukan... it's not about maling, judul cm istilah aj
yeah...this is bout secret
Why? Knp nd ada temen yg bisa tutup mulut?
THEY NEVER CHANGED! Dari dlu sampe skrg, nd da yg bisa tutup mulut soal rahasia
Tapi dari semua temen yg ky gini, keknya cm KEVIN N yg nd isa tutup mulut!!!
Cangkem ember....setan... nd mo ngaku lagi.
Waktu kesel dia nd mau ngaku, gw kepikiran juga kalimat ini, mana ada maling ngaku? Maling ngaku dunia damai.
Susah amet ngaku. Numpahin kesalahan ke org laen sukanya. Hope i've never known him... but it's too late chump...
SKRG ORANGNYA TW ??? Dy cuma ngomong MAAF???? Apakah rahasia bisa tertutup kembali dengan cuma kata "MAAF"?
Tolong orang ybs bisa BACA INI! CAMKAN DALAM2!!! DA KESEL GW AMA LO!!! DARI DULU AMPE SKRG... CANGKEM EMBER! MALES GW KENAL LO! Kirain lo orang yg bs tutup mulut...ternyata nd beda sama bajingan2 juragan tawuran....
lagi kesel
kemalingan? bukan... it's not about maling, judul cm istilah aj
yeah...this is bout secret
Why? Knp nd ada temen yg bisa tutup mulut?
THEY NEVER CHANGED! Dari dlu sampe skrg, nd da yg bisa tutup mulut soal rahasia
Tapi dari semua temen yg ky gini, keknya cm KEVIN N yg nd isa tutup mulut!!!
Cangkem ember....setan... nd mo ngaku lagi.
Waktu kesel dia nd mau ngaku, gw kepikiran juga kalimat ini, mana ada maling ngaku? Maling ngaku dunia damai.
Susah amet ngaku. Numpahin kesalahan ke org laen sukanya. Hope i've never known him... but it's too late chump...
SKRG ORANGNYA TW ??? Dy cuma ngomong MAAF???? Apakah rahasia bisa tertutup kembali dengan cuma kata "MAAF"?
Tolong orang ybs bisa BACA INI! CAMKAN DALAM2!!! DA KESEL GW AMA LO!!! DARI DULU AMPE SKRG... CANGKEM EMBER! MALES GW KENAL LO! Kirain lo orang yg bs tutup mulut...ternyata nd beda sama bajingan2 juragan tawuran....
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