Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


Ada hal menarik soal ospek kelas X taun ini, why?

First, they don't have to "draw" their faces..... sh*t... why could this be happend??
Bikin iri aja, taun lalu itu derita pol-polan tau ngga.... garuk hidung ngga bisa malah ngotorin kuku, ngelap keringet malah "make up" belepotan.. z..

Second, they don't have to make "name tags"... they only have to make "cocard"... whatt??? enak dong... ringan... tinggal kasih peniti taroh di seragam. Taon lalu? no komeng ah.

Third, they don't have to bring "strange foods" like "tempe setengah mateng" etc. They can eat at the foodcourt. WTH????

Fourth, they don't have to prepare anything, JUST a drink bottle... they can bring their bags... and NOT sacks... d*mn...

Fifth, they don't have to "learn togetherness by eating your friends' food"... they eat theirselves.... btw it's not "learn togetherness" dude... it's "learn to make sickness" or "test kekebalan tubuh thdp penyakit"... zz.. --" weird.

Sixth, there are NO graduated students that enter the school just to "ngepo-in MOS alias ikut ngerjain"... Yes that's right, that's not their business after all.

Seventh, THEY CAN RELAX.... My sister can watch TV and play computer properly, without my mom scolding and rushed at her. NOT LIKE ME LAST YEAR... My mom keep scolding and rushed me to prepare the equipments...
really-really a pity...

Summary : Really contrast...

Aw SNAP....

2 komentar:

Sammy-Dai mengatakan...

hahaha, sabar, bro..
emang sih, i agree with you..
untung ae tu thn lalu ga ada yg muntah2 stlh makan "bersama" itu..
coba neh ada yg muntah... sklh khn msti tgg jwb..

Ch_Knock_Out mengatakan...

ho oh

kan ada jg penyakit seng nular e lewat air ludah.. penyakit apa ya? lupa.

nek 1 kelas pada ketularan yang mau tanggung jawab sapa dong?