Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

A/T = banci? Think Twice Before You Talk...

Lately.. i'm really annoyed to some people

yes, they really brainless... to say...


oh dude... have you ever try it?


so shut your mouth... you only know the theory... but never try it then...

eventually... you're just a senior high school student... you haven't worked yet to buy your own car...

if you say A/T users are 'banci', what are the reasons?

too easy? just like a racing game? think twice

only gas and brake ? think twice... you even didn't know anything... do you ever heard about 'shift locks'? 'ATF'? 'CVT'? 'DSG'? hahaha... LOL...

un-fast? man.... think real... where will you race? inside a city, you'll never throttle your gas pedal into maximum.... only 50 kph max, more than it, you'll busted by cops. race on the highway? yes, you'll only crash a truck, and R.I.P... you only can race in sentul and lippo village circuits... only those... no more...

un-efficient? but you don't need to use clutch, your left leg can rest... it's nice huh? only differs 1 - 2 km/liters... but you'll save more energy for your left leg...

shitty reasons, learn before you talk

more accidents are happend cause of A/T's... not M/T's...
so using A/T is easy? no... exactly not... if u never learnt of it.. you'll only meet accidents... then many people will laugh on you... 'katanya matic gampanggg?? tapi koq jatoh dari atas gedung ya?'

i don't mean to blame all M/T users... i just want to 'attack' some of my friends who just said 'MATIC BANCI'... they're really dumb to think that A/T is easier than M/T's... never try, just know the theory, and talk? better keep silent...

but if you love M/T, it's just fine... hahaha... but don't ever try to say 'MATIC BANCI' in front of me... or i'll kick your ass...

so, think twice before you say 'MATIC BANCI'

Still In Love With You

Still In Love With You
Jonas Brothers

She was all I ever wanted
She was all I ever needed and more
She walked out my door
Then she went away
Left my heart in two
Left me standing here
Singing all these blues

You left without a single word
Not even sorry
It might of hurt worse to hear you say
I'm leaving goodbye
But your smile still makes my heart sing
Another sad song
Can't forget it, won't regret it
Cause I'm still in love with you

We had fun under the sun
And when winter came she'd be my angel
We were so in love
Yeah she went away
Left my heart in two
Left me standing here
Singing all these blues


I don't know what hurts worse baby
Seeing you with him or being alone
On my own

I know he doesn’t love you baby
Not like I did oh what's the point
You're not listening anyway

2 B'Days ..?? Wow....

Mungkin ini weekend paling sibuk seumur hidup

attending 2 of my BFF's bday...ahahaha

sibuk tp asik =p.

lha mau gimana lagi ulang taun juga selisih sehari,
bebet 24 feb
tata 25 feb (ahahah =p)

tp acarane bebet tgl 26 wew :hammer: klo tata sih pas tgl 25 e..ahahah.

tgl 25 di gama... byk yg dateng sih lupa klo suru nyebutin 1 1 =p.
maem2 sama foto2an (dah biasa kalee wkwkwkw)

wktu foto gayane pd lucu2 loo..wkwkwkw
ada N sama yogi gayane mesra bgt sumpah...awkowakoowka mara i ngakak... mirip maho...

saya sendiri mati gaya wew....

yaa sebenernya ada 'personal happiness' juga sih kmrn... ahahah...

aahhh lama2 OOT
anw, happy bday sis ^^
wish u all d best
GBU :)

jumat, lokasi @ bebet's house

sebelom mulai acara nyambi kerkel kim... jd yg kelompok kim e bebet (aku,andy,adri,bebet) suru dtg jam stg 5 ngerjake tugas sek. lha nda taune ngerjake tugas bentar tok, sisane nganggur2 nunggu yg laen dtg.
btw tu cas-cas-an HPne bebet jadi korban 'numpang ngecas' wkkwkwwkwkw.
nek nda salah sih kemaren yg dtg 9 org : aku,adri,andy,arga,bebet,kebi(andre & andrew),sean,igna....

pas semua dah dtg, adri mbe arga meh ke indomaret beli minum...
bar tu igna meh pesen pizza hut e... nanya bagian penerangan...
pas dah ngebel pizza hut e ternyata NYASAR KE PIZZA HUT DI JKT...WKWKKWKWKW.... untung e belom pesen beneran lo itu...

akhir e pas arga mbe adri pulang, seng pesen arga. de'e ngebel bagian penerangan minta no telp e pizza hut di semarang (seng dimana lupa aku...)
de'e telpon pesen gitu, atas nama ne masa pake papae andy lok o... bapak budi..wkkwkwkw.

sambil nunggu pizza dtg kita ntn film.... judul e 'coming soon'...whew...
serem euy...ahahaha... crt ne tu ada aktris mokat pas syuting adegan gantung diri gr2 pengamane rusak... trus bles dendam mbe kru film e, dipateni semua... termasuk yg ntn film e dn itu juga jd korban...ckckck... kira2 bgitulah... ngeri ya mbayangke ne....

tp ya tu... ntn e nda konsen gara2 ditambahi dialog2 aneh2 dari video batman basa jawa lah, spiderman basa jawa lah, dll... '17-22 SU..!! IRIT LISTRIK....!!', 'L*$#@! KEBELET NGISING TENAN AKU IKI!', de elel...wkwkwkwk.

pas pizza ne dah dtg nda seru lagi wes... lampune dinyalake gara2 mbe makan og...ahahaha...

tp la meh py wong dinyalake ae ada seng ketakutan.. apalgi dimatiin...wkwkwkwk.

edun og kmrn... tu mung makane tok seng dibayari tp bukan acara ultah... tp dolan...wwkkwkwkwkw.

anw thx ya bettt... happy bday too ^^
wish u all d best
GBU :)

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Really Alone Now...

Bener2 deh skrg feels really alone

no one to share stories

ga ada temen curhat

ga ada temen SMS

berasa dilupain sama seseorang yg udh tak anggep 'my own sister'

berasa ud ga dianggep 'brother' lagi sama orang itu...

or it's just my feeling?

haa~ don't care ah

let it flow ae... with sadness & lonelyness...

Chinese New Year & Valentine Day

baru kali ini val's day & xinjia terjadi barengan loh

keajaiban? kebetulan? hahaha

yg jelas pertama bingung bgt
kirim SMS isinya apa yah? secara xinjia sama val's day kan ga ada hubungannya.

jadi yaa ga pake babibu asal kirim ucapan selamet aja...wkwkwkkw GG

xinjia cuma ke 2 tempat... haha
ke tmpat mak ngkong dr papa... trus yg dr mama.. maem... trus pulang..wkkwkw

angpau belom itung2an juga~ yg jelas sih ga bakal dapet ya buat beli volkrays TE37.... apalagi sampe di hellaflush mau abis berapa tuh... ngimpi kali ye

hmmm... mau ngomong apalagi yah?

val's day... nothing special si....

ngasih coklat? ngga tuh... emang mo ngasih sapa...

yaa my wish aja sih... moga val's day berikutnya isa ngasih coklat @@~ amen

tp beneran deh val's day taun ini sepi bgt... blank rasane... mati rasa...

aish~ mboh

xin nian kuai le
happy (chinese) new year


qing ren jie kuai le
happy valentine's day

GBU all

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010



She's really annoying... and also confusing
It doesn't happened once
It's been happened since the 1st semester
And it was after she's gettin closer with her new friends...
Then, it really annoys me...

What happened to her?
After gettin close to someone.. then he forget me?

I always treat him.. like my own sister..
It started last year... When we were on 9th grade...

But now?
Everytime she needs friend to tell her problems... It was always me
But after her problem solved... She never think of me again

Everytime i ask her.. She always says that i'll always be her brother...

But i think it was only words...

Now i want to ask her again...